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Where are the Eels?

by Madai the Labrador – 1st August 2018 @ 7:07am
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I don't know what you do in the morning, but my routine involves a check round the fields, clearing off any unwanted crows and rooks, and a bathe in Eel Brook. Well I tell himself its a bathe but really I'm looking for eels, they are said to be good for one's coat – its the slime apparently. Since I've lived here I've hunted for them diligently but with no success. So the other day I ran down to Eel Brook as usual and it was gone! As in not there, no water, no eels, definitely no slime, nada! Some sort of black goo that smelt wonderful and had to be checked out, but definitely no brook. There was a big piece of dressed stone where the brook had been, with a bit of iron in it: perhaps a gateway many years ago? Himself blamed El Nino's hot breath (for the lack of the brook, not the stone – do you think I'm daft??) and off we went for a bathe in the river instead. It's bigger than Eel Brook and must have managed to chase off the Nino thing. A quick roll in something my people hadn't spotted, fragrance restored and a bit damp, on the way home we stopped off at Village Farm to meet my new friend Harry, who's picture I showed you last month.

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Harry was very excited to meet me so, after his Mum had cleared that up, we went outside into his garden. He's certainly full of attitude and also some other things that he had left on the ground and shouldn't be trodden on – well we all have to do it don't we? Here you can see him checking me out – a bit too familiar if you ask me, so I politely told him to stop and once he'd recovered from that we got on just fine! His mum told me that as I'm a girl I was spared one of his "more endearing traits". Something about his teeth being very sharp? I didn't really understand what she meant but perhaps you know?

Anyway, as it's so hot I'm gasping for a drink (or did he mean he's gasping ...?) and himself has told me that the blog needs posting so I'll talk to you all again in September.

Madai the Labrador – your rovering reporter

PS: I thought you might like to see this clip of my cousin who was invited to a birthday party and made to wear a silly hat ... Moral of the story, don't make fun of us – himself please take note.

PPS: follow this link to my home page and old blogs

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