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NDP Policies

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We want Church Minshull to thrive as a vibrant and distinctive parish and to evolve and grow in a sustainable way. We want the Parish to continue to provide an outstanding quality of life for current and future residents.


  • To provide housing which is in keeping with existing properties as local need arises
  • To maintain the rural character of Church Minshull
  • To maintain and improve the high quality natural environment
  • To encourage a thriving and prosperous community that delivers a high quality of life for all its residents and supports a distinctive and a flourishing local economy
h1 objective

Some context and evidence in relation to our housing policies:

  • The rural settlement of Church Minshull has not been identified as needing to deliver housing beyond local needs and is formally considered to be outside settlement limits
  • Some development will be needed to sustain the community however the questionnaire responses clarified the value people put on the countryside setting
  • Our plan is consistent with the normal permitted development approach for open countryside
  • There is local support and the plan should include the need to sustain a green boundary between Church Minshull and the local urban expansion of Crewe and Winsford
  • Cheshire East would expect that an allocation for new house development in Church Minshull between 2010 and 2030 will need to be in the order of 25-30 units (12-15%)
  • This is higher than the historic long term rate but more than half of this expectation is already allocated or even built and inhabited
  • In the context of the expected increases, it should be noted that currently, park homes constitute over 25% of, the just over 200 homes in Church Minshull
h2 objective

cdh1 objective

cdh2and3 objective

env1 and2 objective

econ1 and 2 objective

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