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PC's Activities

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  • Resurfacing of Over road/ cross lane roundabout and towards the canal hill & improvements to the pavement along cross lane from roundabout & bridge- completed November 2023
  • Road drainage maintenance at entrance to Weaver View to eliminate puddles (as required)
  • Road resurfacing of Over road towards Winsford (in the village) – expected upgrade between July-Sept 2024


  • Village Arena Website – Site upgrade and annual running costs
  • Defibrillator – installed outside of village hall in a heated cabinet (January 2023)
  • Defibrillator Training – (January 2023)
  • First Aid training – CPR (May 2023)
  • Insight Magazine – Grant towards the annual production costs
  • Village event donations – Grants towards Village community events e.g. Residents Welcome
  • St. Bartholomew's Church – Grant towards Church community events.
  • Community Representation – Remembrance Sunday wreath from the Parish Council
  • Village Hall Planning – part funded the Planning Application of a new village hall to support medium/ longer term strategy (plans approved March 2023)
  • Tree Planting (March 2021)


  • The Council employs a part time lengthsman to litter pick and weed kill around the Parish
  • Representing the interests of the community regarding planning issues or applications that are considered detrimental to the village.
  • Dog bin maintenance – a replacement for Euchus lane bin is on order – (July 2024)
  • Replacing of footpath stiles with swing gates (Euchus lane) – pre lockdown
  • Improvements to the footpath bridges through Bluebell wood – (May 2022)
  • Liaison with local MP, Cheshire East Council departments, CE Councillor (for Bunbury) where required e.g. flooding issues, roads etc.
  • provide a supply of sandbags and sand (collection from the Village hall car park) for emergency use during flooding.


  • Supporting the creation, and underwriting the cost, of an NDP for the Parish

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