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Church Minshull Parish Council

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Church Minshull Parish Council, which sponsors the village's Arena website, comprises of seven Councillors elected to represent the interests of residents. Unlike Cheshire East Council, the Parish Council does not have a legal duty to deliver services. However, as an elected tier of local government, it has the legal power to take action and a greater freedom to choose what solutions are appropriate regarding issues within the community. The Parish Council's work is funded by an annual Precept – currently raising an income of £6,000 per annum – which is levied through a very small share of the Council Tax payment.

Parish Councillors play a vital part in representing the interests of the community and work to improve the quality of life and the local environment – they are supported by a part-time Clerk who is a paid employee of the Parish Council. Through the Parish Council they can influence other decision makers, e.g. Police, Traffic, Transport, Town & Country Planning etc. and by lobbying our Cheshire East Councillor and MP, and can deliver specific services to meet local needs. Local organisations can apply to the Parish Council for financial assistance – in recent years this has helped the Village Hall and the Church to carry out various improvements.

Every four years all the seats on the Parish Council are up for election – the last was held in May 2023. If you have a little time to spare and are interested in helping to support our local community in this unpaid capacity, you may wish to consider standing.

Parish Council meetings take place bi-monthly (Jan, March, May, July, Sept, Nov) and are usually held in the Church at 7:30pm. All members of the community are encouraged to come to the meetings and listen to the proceedings – there is an opportunity to raise individual concerns. Agendas are posted on the village's notice boards in advance of meetings. Agendas, minutes of meetings, financial documents, policies and Councillors' contact details and responsibilities appear on the Parish Council's pages on the Arena website.

For more information on the work of the Parish Council please click on the links below:

Parish Councillors etc.

Parish Council's Activities

Parish Council Meeting Minutes and Agendas

Parish Council Finance documents

Parish Council Policy documents

Parish Council Small Grants Policy and Application Form

B5074 Safety and Speed Review

Contact the Parish Council by email at:

Page last updated: 23/01/24 21:34

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