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Madai's Blogs

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Tales from Madai (Your Rovering Reporter)

Hello it's me, Madai the Labrador, welcome to my website page!

I know some of you will have seen me around the village as I keep things in order but I'll tell you a bit about myself anyway. I'm a black Labrador – had you guessed? I came to live with my people in Church Minshull in September 2016 because Guide Dogs decided I wasn't cutting the mustard. I was born on St Valentine's Day (makes up for my man-person's lack of romance) and went into Guide Dogs training at 6 weeks old.

Very young you might say but Labradors are very advanced. My people, well lady-person to be honest as the other one doesn't seem to apply himself, had done Guide Dogs puppy walking before and was looking to re-home a retired guide dog. I've just discovered that she requested a yellow lab, a boy, but got me instead: well hasn't she done well? Although I was withdrawn from Guide Dogs training for "poor stress resilience" I've got over that now and the blogs I've written will tell you all about my life in Church Minshull and some of the important things that are happening here. My man-person didn't know how to collect my previous reports together and had to have help from Mrs Challoner – thank-you Sue! I suspect that now he's stopped working his head has as well! Sue and Meikle Carrs have "shown him the way" and under my instruction he writes these things down for me. I've also shown him how to put videos on YouTube and that's where you go to see me swimming. Since I started writing these blogs Sue has moved away to the Runcorn area, but still keeps in touch. with us.

As of December 2021 we have decided to pause our canine drivel (himself calls it dribble – I don't know what he means) but we may return with more of the same (I hear you groan) in the future. In the meantime the links below will take you to some of our endeavours.


Page last updated: 24/01/24 09:36

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