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The tail that (almost) wags the dog

by AG – 1st September 2019 @ 8:08am
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Morning readers! It's me, Madai, speaking to you via himself who is presently storm-bound on his floating kennel in Scotland. Well by the time you read this he will probably be home, but as I've told you before we have to prepare these offerings in advance. If you've been there you will know the general motto of Scottish weather: if you don't like it wait 20 minutes. Well this time it's not gone according to plan. He's had strong winds for 4 days and as he types heavy continual rain for about 36 hours. When the four of them went out for dinner himself was dressed in full waterproofs, another in shorts, one under a golfing umbrella and the fourth had very wet trousers. Herself said she was glad she hadn't seen them.
Anyway this blog is mine so I'll wrest back control. Can you see my tail in the picture. It doesn't wag any more, hence the title. The nice vetman says I have tail droop but it will get better with some special treats he's given to herself to give me. He said that Labradors like me don't even have to have the pill-treat hidden in food, we will just gobble them up and that's what I did. I blamed himself for stepping on my tail and hurting it but he said I was wagging it too much and whacked it into a hawthorn stump he was taking out. Whose side do you take? By the time you see me around the Minsh I expect it will be better.
He'll be back home soon and will update this blog in the next few days, so revisit the page soon!

Well he's back now, revised the spelling mistake in the paragraph above, and generally taken control of me again. If you were around the Minsh for Madness then you may have seen me winning the Fetch competition, the most prestigious one in the show. As for missing top slot in obedience, herself allowed me to be distracted by some passing talent.

Now, I've a bone to pick with the Madness reporter, NO PICTURE OF ME WITH MY ROSETTES! So just for you I've asked himself to put one in, and here it is...

madai rosettes 3

As for the pink flower picture quiz in last month's blog you'll find the answers if you follow this link to my home page then go to quiz answers at the bottom.

Madai, your rovering reporter
PS: if you click on my picture you can make it bigger!
PPS: did I tell you I won first prize in "Fetch"?
PPS: my tail wags again!!

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