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New kid on the blog

by Madai the Labrador – 1st July 2018 @ 8:08am
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Morning Minshull-ears, its time for another Labra-blog and let me be one of the first to welcome Harry to the village. Apparently he's arriving at the end of June – so that's in the future as I dictate this and in the past as you read it – and is long-haired, big on attitude, middle eared, furniture chewing, widdle-legged and so on. In other words he's a regular dog. Sounds like we'll get on together just fine so I'll report back once he's got his feet under the table in Village Farm (or maybe got the feet off the table if he's as good at chewing as advertised). So thanks to Jane for letting me have a preview picture to share with you.

Well I've not been in the village much recently as I've had to look after Vicar Helen in Audlem. She's best mates with my mum and so herself let's me go there sometimes when Helen needs help. Helen's dog Finn, my best pal, needs keeping in shape as he's getting a bit lazy. Click here to see me trying to get him out of his bed to play with me..

Helen's himself (that's you, Peter) gives me special treats when he's eating and my himself says he's VERY NAUGHTY, but then takes it out on me when I get home by putting me on a diet of dry dog food and water! Where's the fairness in that I hear you ask. Anyway Vicar Helen takes me to her work: here is a picture of me keeping them in order at the Audlem PCC. Himself (my one not Helen's) says the hot air generated must have made me doze off and herself says she hopes Helen doesn't read this: but it's too late as himself had already texted the thought to her. What with all this texting and emailing and blogging and social media-ing it's a wonder he gets anything done. Herself who proof reads these articles adds that he doesn't.

Anyway they (my people, keep up with following this) have been away from the village for a few weeks and as I've been away as well there's not much more to report on this month – maybe I'll add an update as the month progresses?

Madai the Labrador – your rovering reporter

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