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Look what I found!

by Madai the Labrador – 1st May 2019 @ 8:08am
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Well hello again! It's me, Madai, back on the front page with my blog. I don't know what happened last month but I know who to blame – yes him with the fat fingers typing. And he was late posting this article as he was off messing in his floating kennel. After I posted my blog on the village website last month I didn't check it after a few days, and some gremlins changed the link to take you to to my home page. Result: some of you may not have had the delight of reading April's blog. Phew you may say, but here is the link to it on the old blog section of my home page. I can offer little excuse for last month's offering except to say himself "admires" the forced rhymes of the American mathematician and one-time singer/song-writer/ social commentator Tom Lehrer. If you've not heard him in action then a "treat" awaits:here is a modest example. Needless to say himself has the complete works.

Well what a month we've had, spring, hot summer and just at the end a good rinse from storm Hannah to remind us of winter again. I took himself out at the peak of the wind and wet, dressed as usual in my little black furry number, only to find that he was completely wrapped in goretex (other brands are available). He should try running around a muddy field in a furry birthday suit! On reflection perhaps not. While we were out a few days ago himself found a litter of 5 fox cubs playing at the edge of a field. Why didn't I find them you may ask – well there was "executive rolling in something smelly" going on. So we all went back a few days later and there they were, yet again I was distracted by having to scent my fur with the product of something long-dead. Third time lucky, during Hannah, I found Mr Foxy foraging out in the field so set off to investigate. I've learnt not to bark with excitement so was nearly on him before he saw me, but had to go back when himself whistled for help – I think a drop of water had gone down his neck?

Last week I took my people to see the sea at the Wirral Country Park. Well it (the sea) wasn't there: apparently it gets tide and has to go away to gather strength, but it had left some glutinous mud behind for me to share with themselves. Before being allowed into the pub for lunch I had the indignity of being washed under an outside tap to "be made presentable"! As if Sue and Chris Challoner would have minded!!. Inside I played my usual trick of keeping very still until the waitress arrived with plates of food. One time she'll drop them! Did I tell you I can eat anything?

Madai the Labrador – your rovering reporter
PS: special prize to the first botanist to correctly name the plant featured at the top of my April blog page last month. Answers on a post-card to

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