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Does my b.... look cold in this?

by Madai the Labrador – 1st March 2018 @ 8:08am
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Hello again, it's me, Madai your rovering reporter! Well I ended last month's blog promising to tell you about Charlie's dad, who got a summons, but all in good time. I thought Spring had sprung a week or so ago – himself was cutting the lawn and I'd got myself a special patch of grass in full sun, and was protected from the lawnmower by daffodils and snowdrops. I can't see the point of daffodils – all green with a little knobbly end, but even herself gets agitated when I lie on them so they must be special. I tried eating one, like I eat grass, but it was all slimy and made my mouth froth. I can understand snow-drops because they give you a message: after they flowered it did. Maybe summer passed when I was asleep and we're back to winter again? I told him to put some pictures in, just in case you have been nipping off somewhere warm and have missed the whole winter experience. One good thing about the freezing weather is that my morning acquaintance with friend hosepipe has stopped. Perhaps its become a lie-abed and isn't up to give me my daily wash? However when himself tried it on me yesterday afternoon in the sun the sprayer thingy on the end came to life and did just that, spraying out of its sides and all over himself. Perhaps it doesn't like being frozen either? I must practice my laugh.

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Anyway back to Charlie's dad, the Magis-bent (June '17 blog). He's been promoted and is now very much the Le Grand Fromage in the magistrating world. Charlie was going to bring him for a walk with me and himself, but they had to cancel as the Magis-bent had received a summons! To a special court!! He was asked to sit at the front!!! Then he had to talk to a senior judge!!!! Himself suggested that he was off to see the Lord High Executioner, (as an aside himself says he doubts you have seen Eric Idle in Gilbert and Sullivan before and if you enjoyed that YouTube clip then try this as well!) but when we met Charlie and the Magis-bent we were disappointed to discover that he wasn't in chains, or headless, but had just been summoned to the installation of the latest Pooh-Bah.

Last month I set you a task, to find the pun that himself had hidden in my blog: well nobody came up with the answer which was that the song "Mud, mud, glorious mud" was on the LP "At the drop of a hat" which is why he wrote: "I expect you all know the song in this month's blog title, but in case any of you have been hiding under your hat ...". As this was obviously too much for your brains to take in I've told himself to give it a rest this month, but I'll egg him on to do something for the Easter edition ...

This month I expect we will be saying Goodbye to Sue and Chris Challoner as they move to the Wirral. I'll let you into a secret – it was Sue who asked himself to talk to me to get me to tell himself to write these blogs of mine for you to read! And here's another secret: I've found a message that Sue and Chris (aka Luna and Bear – better than Luna and Tic himself added) have recorded for us.

As always, take this link to my home page for old blogs etc, and hope to see you all next month!

Madai – your rovering reporter

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