Hello and welcome to our latest Newsletter
This is a special service played by all members of the youthclub, is open to all family members and only 3/4 of an hour long. It Promises to be very different; lots of noise, quiet light, dark, and a bit of acting! So please attend if you can, as it promises to be a great part of the build-up to Christmas.
Following our appeal for new leaders in the last Newsletter, we are very pleased to welcome Lindsey and Nicola to the team.
Many schools and Churches are filling shoeboxes for the Samaritans Purse charity. We have been asked if older members of the club (11 and Over) will be willing to check the contents of the boxes before they are dispatched:
Contact Pat Welch on Patjwelch@aol.com Market Street Church, Nantwich. Please help if you can.
The Facebook page is not working as we had envisaged. It wasn't meant to be a communication system, but merely an archive of our activities for you to look at. Therefore a Web page would better so we are hoping to obtain a page either on the Church or Village website in the near future. (Editor's Note: ...and now you see it here on ARENA)
Just a reminder that Church Mice is held at the monthly 11.00am service and also there is a Family Service at 3.30pm once a month, at St. Barts. For more information, please see the Insight Magazine, Church notice board or contact Sue Challanor 01270 522 021
Kind Regards,
Tim, Jane, Tim, Lesley, Lindsey & Nicola
The Leaders
Contact Tim Hough 01270 522 568
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