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Youth Club Newsletter Sept 2013

by Arena Webteam – 2nd September 2013 @ 3:03pm
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Hello and welcome to our latest Newsletter.

LEADERS: The situation with leaders is not improving, this is despite our best efforts to make contact with youth organisations etc. At our last meeting 2 weeks ago sadly we had to say goodbye to Tim Radcliffe one of our stalwart leaders who has been with us week in and week out since we started nearly 3 years ago. Again if you know anyone who wants to help please get in touch.

HARVEST FOOD BANK COLLECTION: As its Harvest time, we have been asked to contribute to the collection being made for the Nantwich Food Bank on Thursday 3rd October, 2013.
Please bring some non perishable/long life items such as UHT milk, tins, pasta, rice, pasta sauces, instant mash potato etc. The co-coordinators at church will give us a brief talk on the work of the food bank.

CM VISION EVENTS: The 'Minsh' Character has been designed by a member from the Youth Club. The top 10 best entries have all received an art box as a prize. The overall winning entry will be announced in due course.
Halloween Drama Production: A comedy Farce 'The Mongrel of the Minshervilles' is being staged on Sat 2nd November in the Village Hall. The youth club will be doing a dance routine dressed as Zombies to Michael Jackson's 'Thriller' so costumes and make-up required! We will be rehearsing over our next few meetings.For more information click here.
YOUTH CLUB CUP: You will recall the reintroduction of the Youth club cub dating from 1934 which we award each Year, well we have been given another one also dating from 1934. We've just got to decide what to do with it.

REMEMBRANCE DAY SERVICE: 10.45am Sun 10th November, 2013
We have been asked to attend this service as one of the organisations in the village. Various members from these groups have been asked to carry out certain tasks i.e., lay wreathes etc. We have been asked to provide someone with good reading skills to read out the names of the fallen from the Village from the 2 World Wars and need a willing volunteer to represent us.

MESSY CHURCH: Just a reminder that 'Messy Church' is held at St. Bart's on the 4th Sunday of every month at 11.00am. It is a family friendly service and includes craft activities and drama including tea and toast at each service. For more information, please see the Insight Magazine, Church notice board or contact Sue Challanor 01270 522 021

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