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Youth Club April 2013 Newsletter

by Youth Club Leaders – 18th April 2013
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Hello and welcome to our latest Newsletter.


Sadly Lindsay and Nicola, two of our leaders have had to give up due to other commitments. This leaves us in a difficult situation, as we now have 31 members and insufficient regular leaders to run the club safely successfully. I cannot put it more plainly; we cannot run with the numbers we have unless more leader(s) volunteer straight away within the next 2 weeks. If this does not happen we will have no alternative but to ask those who have the poorest attendance to leave in sufficient numbers so than we can operate.

CM Vision

'Minsh' Character
We have been asked to come up with a fun, fictional character for Church Minshull who will be called the "Minsh". The Minsh will be a creature that has strange features, such a flipper foot, or a rooster tail (that type of thing), sort of like a 'Gruffalo'. You decide on the strange features of the 'Minsh'.
Village vision will then get the features caricatured into a cartoon character for use in all kinds of games, searches (where's the Minsh? The Minsh introduces... ), model making, story competitions, poems, etc.etc.

Minshull Madness
Minshull Madness is being held on Sat 6th July on the Badger field and follows on from the success of the jubilee celebrations last year. 4-6pm followed by a Ceilidh. Look out for more details later

Halloween Drama
Halloween Production This will be in the village hall and will involve tots, teens and adults. The ideas the team already have, are based around doing choreography for songs by Michael Jackson's 'Thriller', 'The Monster Mash', etc.
We are looking at the ensemble being dressed up as Zombies, Ghouls, Beetlejuice, etc. with the appropriate face makeup. Also we would like have a set design that looks dark, cobwebby and graveyard-ish to complete the scene.

Messy Church

Just a reminder that 'Messy Church' has been running a St. Bart's since February and is held on the 4th Sunday of every month at 11.00am. It is a family friendly service and includes craft activities and drama including tea and toast at each service. For more information, please see the Insight Magazine, Church notice board or contact Sue Challanor 01270 522 021

Youth Club Cup

We now have engraved plaques in church next to the Youth club notice board, below the cup with the names of the winners on. So have a look Alex and Beatrice next time you're in!

Kind Regards,
Tim, Jane, Tim, Lesley, Helen
The Leaders

Contact Tim Hough 01270 522 568

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