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Winsford Swimming Club

by Harriet and Thomas Carss – 11th April 2017 @ 6:06pm
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Winsford Swimming Club

You probably know that there is a swimming pool in Winsford but you might not know that it is home to Winsford Swimming Club.

Currently ranked 3rd in Cheshire, Winsford Swimming Club has some of the best swimmers in the country. With many regional and some national competing swimmers, the club is attracting young members from this area and can take them from beginner to the top levels. The club has squads for everyone and a friendly atmosphere to learn to swim. The coaches are brilliant and help you every step of the way.

We swim several times a week, usually for an hour, sometimes for two and we even have 'land training' for fitness, strength and stretches. We enjoy it every time even when we might swim 2 or 3 miles in a session. Some of our friends attend early morning training sessions which start at 5am but we like our sleep too much for these at the moment – at least Mum and Dad do!

The club has many swimmers who are eager to compete and the club encourages individuals to enter lots of galas. There are some local competitions, at home and in Macclesfield, and others further away like Wigan, Liverpool and Llandudno where we swam at the weekend. Only swimmers that want to compete enter these and if you don't want to go then that's all right.

We mostly race in 25m long pools like the one at Winsford but as you improve, you are invited to long course training in Liverpool's 50-metre pool and at swim camps. The swim camps are usually held in the school holidays in this country but hopefully one of us will be invited to attend one at Club La Santa in Lanzarote next year.

We personally think that it is fantastic. We have made many friends and our swimming has improved dramatically. Everyone enjoys themselves and steps out of the pool with a smile on their face.

Thomas & Harriet Carss.

Blog Entry: 11/04/17
Page last updated: 23/01/22 21:26

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