The future of the WI in the village was decided last night at an "extraordinary" meeting chaired by an advisor from the Cheshire Federation of the WI. The membership has been in decline for a number of years and with so many other things going on in the village it has been hard to get new people recruited.
Things seem to have changed in the 70 years since it started, when it was the only way for many people to get together. At one time it was the life blood of the village, linking many people in isolated homes.
The result of the secret ballot was, sadly that it should close.
It is now suspended for three years, but if in that time it restarts all its monies, archives etc can be returned to help the new institute.
It is hoped that some members will still meet up regularly, for walks, bowls and outings.The knitting projects continue, run by Audrey Colquhoun who can e-mail patterns to any interested parties.
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