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Volunteer Car Scheme

by Arena Webteam – 7th May 2014 @ 12:12am
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Cheshire Community Action (CCA) are running a Volunteer Car Scheme for the Crewe and Nantwich region and they are looking for volunteer drivers in our area.

Volunteer drivers will have to undergo a DBS check and will be asked to submit their driving licence and insurance documents. They will then be given instruction and training regarding the service they are to provide. Volunteering will in no way affect a drivers insurance premiums.

A driver does not have to commit to any set hours and will only be asked to undertake journeys during working hours Monday to Friday ie. No Evenings or Weekend trips. The scheme is intended for local travel for those who require it, i.e. elderly, infirm, disabled, incapacitated, etc.

It could be to attend doctors /hospital appointments, supermarkets, etc. The CCA arrange all journeys and the drivers contact number will not be disclosed to any other party.

Volunteer drivers will be reimbursed by the passenger as follows:

A passenger will pay a £2.50 minimum amount to the driver for up to the first 5 miles of a journey and pay a further 50p per mile for any additional miles.

Each month the driver will submit a claim form to CCA detailing the journeys undertaken under the car scheme and will be reimbursed a further 18p per mile including light miles (i.e. mileage from their own home to the passengers home).
This scheme could be particularly beneficial for those in our village without their own transport but it requires volunteer drivers to enable it.

If any car owners amongst our community feel they could devote a little time to this scheme it would be very much appreciated.
Please call Chris or Lisa on 01606 350042

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