At the last meeting (July 2024) of the Trustees of Church Minshull Village Hall a few key items were discussed which may be of interest:
As a matter of proper diligence we have a professional Structural Survey carried out periodically. The most recent survey was done at the end of June. Most noteworthy was the recognition of the maintenance work carried out by the Trustees which is extending the useful life of the building. It is worth remembering that the current building was erected in the late '60's and then it was second hand WW2 Nissan Hut!
Hall redevelopment: we have planning permission for a replacement Hall, but with the current economic situation financing the work is problematic. Various possible alternatives are being explored.
Car Park: recently we have experienced some problems with drivers parking on the Village Hall Car Park without permission. This has resulted in legitimate hirers of the Hall not having sufficient space for their attendees. While the Trustees are fairly relaxed about the use of the Car Park we must give priority to paying Hirers of the Hall. Legitimate requests for use of the Car Park would not normally be refused. If unauthorized use of the Car Park continues to cause us a problem we may have to consider closing the gates, a step we are reluctant to take but we must preserve the use of the Car Park for Hirers. Anyone seeking permission to use the Car Park should contact the Booking Secretary ( email: or contact the Chairman (07805 755 970)
Richard Cluley (Chairman)
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