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Village Hall Quiz...

by Arena Webteam – 16th November 2014 @ 9:09am
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The Village Hall held its annual fundraising quiz and was well attended by the community.

Quizmaster Sandra, was ably assisted by 'scores on the board' Janet, as the lead changed hands several times throughout the evening.

Unfortunately, we did not get the names of the Nantwich team who won, but the Russell's were consistent in their positioning on the final count up.

There were very few disputed answers this time around, although it is still contended that the capital of Jamaica, is ...'J' ...and not the answer given on the night..!

The organisers put on a hot supper of baked potato and chilli and fruit pies and cream for dessert; and thanks go out to all those who provided the food on the night; the washer-uppers; tidy-uppers and the Village Hall committee, for an excellent evening.

Thanks to for Alan and Margaret for organising the raffle...

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