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UK Geoenergy Observatories

by Arena Webteam – 16th July 2018 @ 5:05pm
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The British Geological Survey has been vested with the responsibility of delivering new research facilities that will provide the UK geoscience community with a 'Jodrell Bank for the underground'. Two sites are being put forward for the observatory: one in Ince Marshes in north Cheshire, the other in Glasgow. The observatories will consist of a number of boreholes that will allow highly-sensitive scientific sensors to be installed into the underground to observe the way the Earth behaves in real time over a 15-year period. The sensors will track natural and human-made change over that timeframe.

The UK's best universities (from Oxford and Cambridge to Manchester and Liverpool) have come together to design the observatories. The observatories will allow them to study the underground environment in ways now accessible thanks to the development of new sensor technology and super-computing powers. The knowledge they acquire will help to inform new energy technologies

The next open meeting for the public is on July 24th 2018 at Elton Community Centre (CH2 4PU) from 6 to 8pm. You may be interested in attending or informing community groups/individuals you think may be interested in coming along. Please see the attached flyer for information.

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