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Trees are Maize – Madai's blog

by aguy – 1st July 2017 @ 9:09am
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Madai here, your canine correspondent!

madai maize eater

I've been enjoying the maize growing in the fields these last few weeks. Its now reaching the height where I can lie down and hide in it, and the maize is good to graze on as well, as I do my daily patrols. Suddenly the TV has also been talking about maize but calling it "Mrs Trees are Maize"! I like to watch the TV news in the evening while my people are sitting with their mouths open and their eyes closed. I've been following the General Selection or is it called General's Election? Try as I might I can't understand what "Trees are Maize" is doing in the television? Is she the General who's been selected? What have the Trees to do with the Maize?? Very confusing!

Anyway my people kept throwing away the political leaflets that have been coming through the door these last few weeks so when one with Mrs Maize on it came through the letter box I followed their example, but gave it a bit of a taste test first. Not as good as the green maize!

madai tory

Here's a tip to all you greenery eaters: maize gives you wind. My belly must have been fighting with it the other night because the noise was so bad that it woke me up. For once my people were awake and I think they must have been having a fresh-air craze, because they'd got the living-room windows open and were waving their hands about. Perhaps they were upset by the noisy fight in my belly because I suddenly found myself put out in the garden while they stayed inside.

More free food, this time from the June drop apples. When I came to live in Church Minshull last Autumn the apple trees in our garden were dropping big apples for me to eat. My people seemed to get upset by my attempts to follow the "five-a-day" regimen (actually for Labradors its 10-a-day) and didn't understand the explanations I put forward. The June drop apples are just snack-sized so they can be off the floor and down the Labrador throat before my man-person can shout "Madaidon'tdothatyoustupiddogit'llgiveyoutummyache". And any way it doesn't. Best of all is that I can see the other apples in the trees getting bigger!!

Madai – your rovering reporter

PS if you want to read my previous blogs or go to my home page look here

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