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Tercentenary Concert at St Bart's

by Arena Webteam – 9th April 2017 @ 7:07pm
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It was a full house for the Tercentenary of the church building at St Bart's on Saturday night. The Rhos Orpheous Male Voice Choir brought a new repertoire for the event which also coincided with the beginning of Holy Week. There were old favourites like Men of Harlech, Take Me Home and The American Trilogy, mixed with the Welsh favourites but there was also others,

Soloists Rebecca Roberts and Alf Gladman performed to their usual high standard and the audience showed their appreciation of the high standards with prolonger applause. The second half began with Keep Your Lamps and the choir dedicated the song to John Astbury, whose funeral was the day before. John had been a bell ringer, churchwarden and lifetime member of St Bart's and was the resident who had lived in the village for the longest, since his birth in 1927.

John Headon thanked the choir and presented gifts to the pianist, conductor and soloists before the choir were called upon to provide one last encore which included the Welsh National Anthem.

Wine, served in the interval, was kindly provided by The Badger and after the concert, both choir and members of the audience, piled intoThe Badger and were treated to further songs.

An excellent evening of music and celebration to mark the tercentenary of the church and to mark 900 years of a church upon this site.

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