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Operation Park Safe

by Cheshire Police – 16th January 2024 @ 7:07pm
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Operation Park Safe

Residents in the Crewe Local Policing Unit area will now be able to report public illegal parking problems directly to the Cheshire Police website.

This new initiative is being piloted in Crewe throughout January 2024.

You will be able to upload videos and photographs of offending vehicles where they will be assessed by an experienced traffic officer, who will deal with any dangerous parking offences.

You will also need to provide a written statement about the offence online -including the date and time it happened.

Do NOT challenge the driver or put yourself at risk to obtain a photograph.

Any minor traffic obstructions or community impact issues will be allocated to the local PCSO or Beat officers.

Details about what parking offences we'll deal with, visit Op Park Safe | Cheshire Constabulary.

How to report, please follow the direction below :

On the next page press no on "Did at least one vehicle collide with something or someone?"

On the next page click on "A possible driving offence eg careless driving, using a mobile phone" and complete the form.

Thank you

PCSO 20324 Meggs

Message Sent By
Lorraine Meggs

(Cheshire Police, PCSO Coach , Crewe LPU)

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Page last updated: 30/05/24 20:40

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