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Personal Care Record Survey Invitation

by Arena Webteam – 6th November 2018 @ 6:06pm
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A message from Cheshire East Council that you may wish to respond to:

The personal care record is a collaboration between Cheshire East Council (CEC) and Eastern Cheshire Clinical Commissioning Group.

It will enable patients to have control over how information about their health care is used.

So if a patient wants to update something about their health, they will be able to. Likewise, if they want to get hold of blood results, they can. When a medical practitioner makes an update on a patient's record, the patient will be able to check this without having to wait for a written letter.

The aim of the personal care record is to put the patient in control.

So that the collaboration group can get a better understanding of how best to move forward with the personal care record they have commissioned a survey to better understand user experiences of health and wellbeing applications in Cheshire East and find out what matters most to people.

The collaboration group would like to invite you to respond by Thursday 15 November by using this link

At the end of the survey, there is an option for you to express an interest in attending further public engagement workshops. Interactive workshops for general health will be scheduled between December and February to understand the features people would benefit from most.

Pleaserespond to the survey by 5pm on Friday 16 November.

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