What is happening:
We are pleased to inform you that we will be carrying out carriageway investigations along Over Road, ChurchMinshull.
When it's happening:
The works will take approximately 1 day to complete, commencing on 14 October 2024 between the hours of 09:30 – 15:30.
Under current Health & Safety legislation and for the safety of our workforce and members of the public, it will be necessary for a road closure to be in place during these works.
We understand there is no right time to undertake this work however, the scheme has been carefully planned to minimise any inconvenience to you and other road users. Please note that we occasionally have to change our works at short notice due to unforeseen circumstances such as adverse weather conditions or logistics.
What you can expect:
Your safety and the safety of our workforce is our priority. Our Traffic Management Officers will be supplied with CCTV cameras and they will assist you as the work progresses.
If you would like to discuss any aspects of the scheme or the work as it progresses, our on-site supervisor is your best point of contact. Alternatively, if you have an urgent enquiry relating to the works you can callus on 0300 123 5020.
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Emergency vehicle access will be maintained at all times
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