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Oil Baron's success

by Arena Webteam – 19th September 2013 @ 11:11am
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domestic oil tank

The Oil Baron syndicate was started in September 2008. It now has over 630 members in South Cheshire. In Sept 2013 we passed the 2,860,000 litres volume placed with suppliers equating to a spend of £1,345,000. .The price then was around 35p per litre and now is hovering around 54p per litre. Members have saved an estimated £85,000 cumulatively over this time

This is the Big Society really working. However, dealing and negotiating with up to 8 potential suppliers was taking up a lot of time and several suppliers were taken over by DCC/GB Oils who apparently now claim around 14% of the UK Market. An agreement was reached with DA Roberts, in Whitchurch to become our single source supplier with pricing related to the monthly order volume and this has certainly worked to the advantage of all our members and to DA Roberts who is still a family owned concern and should be supported in the face of national competition.

This is a not for profit community project and members have to be on email. However we do not leave non-computer users out of the loop as computer literate neighbours or family can act as a conduit for them and make sure they can also benefit from the bulk buying price. Membership is Free, some other schemes charge. We can still accept more members but you should live within 30 miles of Whitchurch to qualify and Church Minshull meets this requirement.

Contact Kevin Dawson at for information or to join the scheme.

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