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Oil Baron Announcement

by Kevin Dawson – 26th January 2023 @ 9:09pm
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From: Kevin Dawson <>
Date: Wed, 25 Jan 2023 at 15:13
Subject: Oil Baron operational change



Important Oil Baron announcement

Dear Members, it is with some regret that I must advise you that I will not be continuing with the Oil Baron syndicate into the new ordering year beginning 1st April 2023. I have advised DA Roberts of my situation and they have taken onboard the responsibility for accepting Oil orders from you and delivering to your requirements in the future. The ordering system will be similar to that you have received through the Oil Baron operation. You signed the Oil Baron membership application form when you first joined where you agreed that DA Roberts could have your name, address and email details. DA Roberts will not make an annual charge for membership. DA Roberts will send out the order forms on the 3rd February for Zone (A) Post Code members. Again, please do not respond to this email if you agree to DA Roberts taking over the Oil Baron ordering from you and delivering and invoicing to you.

Best regards

Kevin Dawson

P.S. On the conclusion of my involvement in running the Oil Baron, I thought you may be interested in the final statistics as of January 2023 on how buying Oil in bulk can be of benefit to consumers.

Final Statistics

Operational since 2010

Total volume purchased 15,455,280 litres

Average price over the 12 years 44.90p per litre

Estimated savings to members £624,760

I am very positive that DA Roberts will continue to supply Oil to you at very competitive prices.

I thank you for your participation in the Oil Baron syndicate which has occupied my time in retirement

Best regards

Kevin Dawson

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