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News from the Village Hall

by Arena Webteam – 14th April 2016 @ 2:02pm
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We have had a very exciting year at the Village Hall what with a new store room, new classes, the setting up of the new Church Minshull Sports and Social Club and many birthday parties. Two new members have joined our committee- Sue Hugill and Rob Jones both of whom have come with very good ideas and much needed enthusiasm. In June we will celebrate the Queen's 90th birthday with coffee and cakes and a showing of the Trooping the Colour on the big screen and on October 15th more the more energetic we have a 60's/70's evening led by our very own Lucy Barlow. Thank you to all who have continued to support us over the year. If the hall is to continue to flourish we will always need as much support as possible, both physically and financially. The AGM will be held on Tuesday May 17th at 7.30 in the hall. You are all very welcome to come along and give us even more ideas!

Link to Village Hall info

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