Over the past few years the ground under the back storage area of the hall has been slipping and after consultation with specialists, the trustees of the hall have decided that it is becoming a potential danger to our users a possibility for which the trustees of the hall who manage it on behalf of the village were unwilling to accept the responsibility. After due consideration the decision was made that the store be demolished and, as planning permission is already in place, a new storeroom will be constructed to the front of the hall. This is obviously a big financial undertaking.
Funding has now been agreed by Awards for All, Cheshire East, The Foyle Foundation, Church Minshull Parish Council , together with funds raised by the village hall committee enabling the commencement of the building of the new store room which will run level with the present toilet block. The start date is April 7th ;the hall will remain open during the period of work. The back store will be demolished, the cleaner's cupboard relocated in the ladies toilet area and the disabled ramp will be realigned. The back storage area may be rebuilt in the future depending on funding, when the front storage room could be converted into a meeting room.
Generating user revenue has been a major issue for some time not least by a slowing down in the number of new users and how much they are willing to pay for the facility given the physical limitations that are embedded within the Village Hall itself. Why am I telling you this? Well, did you know that if you are resident in Church Minshull, you are a stakeholder in the village hall? It was bought in the 1960's on behalf of all villagers and has been managed by a group of trustees ever since. If the facility is to remain open for the future we need the help of all stakeholders in advising us as to how it would be best used. Do you have any ideas for groups which may be started there – particularly during the daytime hours? Would you be willing to help organise or run a group of interest to the local community? Would you be willing to join the management committee or help with functions?
The village hall should bring the whole community together at one venue reaching out to all and promoting a strong sense of community. Maybe now is the time to re-assess how we go from here. We need to be as creative, flexible and adaptable as we can to meet the requirements of existing and future users.
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