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Mobile Library Author Visit

by Sue Challoner – 29th January 2017 @ 10:10am
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The Cheshire East Mobile Library has been chosen as one of five mobile library/home delivery services throughout the country to take part in Mills and Boon's "Romance on the Road".

There will be a Mills and Boon author, Elisabeth Hobbes, joining the Mobile Library when they stop at the Badger Inn on 7th February to meet and greet customers, there may also be a few freebies too!

In August last year Liz Davies wrote an article about the Mobile Library for Village Arena, she says: "We are really pleased our mobile library has been chosen and look forward to meeting author Elisabeth Hobbes on 7th February. Church Minshull has become one of the busiest stops on the route, so high is the attendance. Not only does the mobile library allow easy borrowing of books it also affords a valuable opportunity to meet and catch up with neighbours".

So please come and join us on the 7th February, and following the departure of the bus why not join us for coffee in the Badger Inn"

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