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Maize daze

by Madai the Labrador – 1st June 2018 @ 6:06am
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Well here we are again: I know I have gone on a bit about the weather over the last month or so but what a time we have recently had! – I'll let you into a secret, having a special black coat is not all its cracked up to be in this hot weather, and himself spotted my attempt to turn into a chocolate Labrador. I asked him not to publish the picture but I see he's put it up there on the web for you to look at. Just as well you can't smell it!! As special payback I'll be doing some swimming in the canal. There's not much boat traffic to bother me presently, after the breach near Middlewich, and what with the flow reducing, the water has gone a fetching shade of cowpat green. How does swimming pay him back I hear you ask? We'll its the power shake afterwards coupled with the fact that my (special, did I tell you?) coat holds about 2 pints of canal water and the tail flick can direct it anywhere I want (at himself mainly). One of my favourite walks is through "Bluebell Wood" where there are plenty of rabbits to discipline, and then along the canal until my people get tired: on the way back I take them to the river at Old Hoolgrave where they like to throw sticks away. Just as well I'm a keen swimmer as the sticks take some tidying up! Sometimes I wonder whether himself throws sticks into the river to get me to swim after them and so lose my special foxy mud-pack hair gel, but I really don't think he's smart enough to trick me like that.

Themselves had their wedding anniversary the other day – 37 years, they must be really old! As a special treat I took them to the Wirral Country Park where we met Roger (the Dodger) and Sue from number 2 who'd brought my mate Dexter who's all right. Well they don't live in number 2 now but they used to and herself still calls them Roger and Sue from number 2 for reasons best known to herself. Dexter and I went in the sea but it must have gone wrong as the water didn't taste watery so I sicked it up. I then took them to have lunch with the Challoners – you'll remember that Sue taught himself how to put this stuff on the village website. Dexter had been having a lot to say in Roger's car so wasn't allowed in the house but I was on my best behaviour and got invited in ...... let's just say that some of the party were careless eaters and of course I didn't want Sue's carpet to get marked!

Well it's the deadline for publishing this so I'll stop dictating and let himself post the article. I'll talk to you all again in July.

Madai the Labrador - your rovering reporter

PS why have I titled this blog Maize Daze? Well maize has been planted and though it's quite short now it will be growing strongly as June goes on – that's why

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