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Madai's November Blog: why do people throw things?

by Madai the Labrador – 1st November 2017 @ 10:10am
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Didn't I tell you last month that the maize would be cut? Well they did it a few weeks ago, just as the weather warmed up and before the storm came. Since then I've been busy helping to clean the fields of all the untidy cobs and husks. Some persky birds have been at it as well. Its just as well that I'm a strong runner as when I tidy the field right in front of my man-person he shouts – I've learnt that its better to run off and tidy the far side where he can't be heard. While I'm tidying my man-person picks up all the cans and food-wrappers that get thrown about in the field – he calls it "tractoritis."

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Anyway this month I wanted to tell you about fetch. I've read that the ideal people for us Labradors to look after are those with an extensive lake-front property and inexhaustible enthusiasm for fetch. Fetch is where your people have an uncontrollable urge to throw things about and you have to chase about to tidy up round them. I'm very good at tidying up, but I've seen some dogs who don't quite get it and run about with the sticks and balls as if the whole thing were a game! Don't they understand? People really don't learn well like us, because as soon as you tidy the Frisbee up they throw it away again! They also seem to like throwing away balls on ropes and cheap tennis balls. Sometimes to stop them doing it I have to kill the tennis ball. To hide their embarrassment they laugh. And then when we go out for a walk my people like to throw sticks away! First they spend ages looking for big sticks then .... chuck! They even throw them into the river: it's well known that that's bad for the fish and can block the mill race. Why do they do it? I have to keep jumping into the river to save them from their foolishness. I call their problem "personitis". I think their brains must be in their legs, and if they had four rather than two they would get over personitis.


The other day my man-person's Scottish cousin came to visit and she brought her two small people with her. I call them McNephews. Although they weren't full grown they had already developed a bad case of personitis and I had a hard job keeping up with all their fetch. In fact they threw the frisbee into the top of a very prickly wild rose in the hedge where I couldn't tidy it. They had to get their McDad to tidy it up and look what happened to the frisbee! Also I don't think he'll be wearing a kilt for a while! Anyway my people had a reserve frisbee which is said to be indestructible. Now that's another challenge!!

Well, October's question defeated you – perhaps my person didn't "right" it very well? The tree that was a fag to live under was Beech – Fagus – which sheds beech mast, leaves, nuts etc all year long!

This month's perplexing puzzle: "which tree may be made from the number one sweetener with tea?"

My person will be putting some hints in as the month goes on so visit this page regularly for updates.
OK, HINT NUMBER ONE: this cryptic question may prove thorny ....
HINT NUMBER TWO: the cryptic clue defines the scientific name for this hedgerow tree – this May help you ...

Answer to November's quiz question: which tree may be made from the number one sweetener with tea? Well, the answer is Hawthorn. First up the clue "may" – hawthorn is also known as Maythorn. The scientific name for Hawthorn is Crataegus, this being a cryptic anagram of ace (number one), sugar (sweetener) and t (tea). Didn't tell you it would be easy!

Madai – your rovering reporter –

PS, for Home Page: I keep adding things to my home page and will be putting some video there (when my person gets his head round the technology) which shows you how to swim. To visit my home page and previous blogs click here

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