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Lest We Forget

by Arena Webteam – 3rd November 2017 @ 6:06pm
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By Chris Challoner

We are quite rightly reminded of the many deeds of heroism and sacrifice made by soldiers fighting for our freedom, but there are other actions of support and bravery which only come to our attention occasionally.

One such example was on show outside Sainsbury's in Nantwich Wednesday 1st November, where we saw this Replica Boy Scout ambulance as used in the Great War. The story goes as follows:

Lord Baden-Powell, Founder of the Scout Association, on a visit to France in 1915, saw the need for more motor ambulances to move injured soldiers from the trenches to the field dressing stations and hospitals.

Lord Baden-Powell persuaded his many friends to loan their motor cars, these were then converted and were used as ambulances.

None of these converted Edwardian motor – cars have survived, and it is a fact that most people never knew they existed, so the car in Sainsbury's car park was a replica lovingly built by Gerald Newbrook, Former District Commissioner of South West Cheshire Scouts, to publicise these special ambulances

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