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Landmark buildings back to their former glory

by Old website – 6th October 2012 @ 10:10pm
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badger and church

Church Minshull now has two wonderfully restored listed buildings at its centre; The Badger Inn and the beautiful Queen Anne Church of St. Bartholomew's. During the past 12 years, almost continual restoration work has taken place to both buildings and the last church project was an internal alteration designed to make its interior as comfortable and as 'user friendly' as its neighbour!

The Church has benefited from four Victorian pews being removed at the rear to create space for communal use. The timber from the pews was reused and now line the back walls and book cases were made from the pew shelving. By knocking through the west wall to the old boiler house, a modern kitchen was created which now makes entertaining a real pleasure.

The fully refurbished and extended Badger Inn has now been open for over 12 months since it underwent extensive rebuilding work to the bar and restaurant areas and outside spaces. The restaurant is quickly gaining a great reputation for being a fantastic place to wine and dine in beautiful surroundings.

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