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Kathryn's Garden Musings

by Kathryn Cronin – 30th January 2018 @ 9:09pm
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The Snowdrops arrive in Church Minshull

While I may not be particularly reflective around new year, there is one night that always sets me thinking, and its Burns night. His words always seem to connect and to resonate. It is why thousands turned up to his funeral and why he is still remembered so well.

At this point you could be forgiven for wondering what Burns has to do with snowdrops in Church Minshull. Well, dear readers, the snowdrops have arrived early for me this year, have they for you? I know it's early as their tiny white nodding heads usually make their appearance later than the annual slaughtering of the haggis at The Badger's Burns night (incidentally a quite splendid supper).

Burns of course had quite a lot to say about most subjects and snowdrops were no exception:

"The snowdrop and primrose our woodlands adorn, and violets bathe in the wet o' the morn."

While I've got two varieties of snowdrop in my garden, I know somewhere that has quite a few more. Rode Hall is carpeted in these beautiful white harbingers of spring, and this weekend is the start of their annual snowdrop walk. If you haven't been then you're in for a real treat, not the least of which is tea in the barn. Inside, there is a rather large roaring fire to keep you warm while you ponder which cake to have, quite the most perfect time out as far as i'm concerned.

You may be forgiven for thinking there is nothing to do in the garden yet and you could not be further from the truth. Already my hardy annuals are making an appearance. You can sow scabious and cosmos and even your sweetpeas right now. In fact, there's an idea for the next longest stem competition in the village!

Read more about Kathryn's wild garden style floristry here

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