Our local Minshull Amateur Dramatics group (MAD) will be on stage in November with a brand new production.
MAD's next performance will be 'Crossed Lines' and has been written by two of the cast, building on the success of a one act play a few years ago. The play is set in a call centre with a totally inept staff where just about everything that could go wrong, does.
Many of our favourite local thespians will be treading the boards and seriously hamming it up once more. However, there is hope, as ARENA understands from the writers, Warden Church and Bart Minshale, that a new member will be trying her hand at the acting trade for the first time.
There will be two performances on Friday 16th and Saturday 17th November in Church Minshull Village Hall at 7.30pm where there will be a licensed bar.
Tickets cost £10 and are on sale now from 01270 522266 or by contacting TicketSales@MADGroup.co
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