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Gold Medal Performance for Minsh Olympics...!

by Arena Webteam – 18th March 2020 @ 8:08am
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The Minshull Events Group -MEG, held the first 'Minsh Olympics' to great acclaim. Close to 50 people packed the Village Hall to participate in the family fun games.
Six teams competed in challenges, quizzes and competitions. Teams dressed in the style of their selected countries, paraded to their own 'unique' national anthem and competed across all ages. The Badger manned the bar and free food was laid on by MEG. Feedback on the event has been brilliant, with all participants agreeing it had been an amazing event.
MEG also introduced 'Churchy the Minsh', who became an instatnt hit with the children of the community.
Thanks go to all who supported the event, the helpers and the organisers in making this inaugural event a success.
There are links to videos at the bottom of the page.

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