This week (as at 24/4/22) St Bartholomew's church was once again filled with sight and scent of wonderful blooms! Following on from the success of our Christmas Floral Event and the children's flower activity before Easter, a Spring Flower Styling workshop was arranged. Seven ladies and two dogs attended and you can see from Rupert's face that he was as enthralled by the talk from Tracey-Anne Clancey as the ladies were!
Tracey-Anne, from Cheshire Area of NAFAS, explained how to make the most of our supermarket bunch of flowers by conditioning them and arranging them in a suitable vase. We talked about various methods of holding flowers in place, some of which we remembered from our mothers or grandmother's day. For some, this was a really useful reminder of the mechanics of flower arranging, for those just beginning their flower arranging journey, a whole new list of words crept into their vocabulary!
Jean Jones from Cheshire Area of NAFAS and a member of St Bartholomew's Church congregation went on to show everyone how to make an arrangement for their home. As the photographs show, everyone was happy with their beautiful work and new found skills. refreshments were provided while we all had a break and chance to catchup with friends old and new. Thank you to Cindy Moss from St Bartholomew's Church for keeping the coffee coming!
A great time was had by all and we hope to hold another session one summer evening, watch this website!
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