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Flooding Update #2

by Parish Council Members – 6th December 2019 @ 8:08pm
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Flooding in the Village. Update#2

Flooding update

Today (Thursday 5th December) members of the Parish Council (Robert Parton, Brian Charlesworth and Bob Schiller) met with the Cheshire East Flood Risk Manager, and then walked round the village and met with some of the residents affected by flooding this year. They also looked at the condition of the bridge over the river Weaver. The Flood Risk Manager felt that his visit was most useful and will be discussing the identified issues with the Environmental Agency, the Highways Department, and Bridge Structural Engineers. The Flood Risk Manager suggested that a useful place to look for guidance with regard to flooding issues was the Flood Hub:

If anyone needs to make Cheshire East aware of any flooding issues the best way to do this is via this link:

The Parish Council also proposed that there would be benefit if the village could get advice in advance of anticipated flooding and the Flood Manager will endeavour to get this set up for us. The Parish Council have agreed to purchase some sandbags (using the Village Improvements budget) which villagers will be able to collect should the need arise. It has yet to be agreed where they will be stored though.

Further updates will be provided when the Flood Risk Manager gets back to the Parish Council.

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