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First swallow?

by Madai the Labrador – 1st May 2021 @ 6:06am
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"Ne'er cast a clout till May be out" as himself said to me the other day, when I was commenting on how warm my (special) Labrador coat was in the bright April sunshine, and wishing I could take it off as he had done with his jersey. Clout = clothes in old English but is May a reference to the present month or is it describing Maythorn, another name for Hawthorn, which typically comes into blossom when the weather is starting to warm up in late April or early May? Being a simple canine I just moved into the shade to cool down.

Well we saw our first swallow of the summer on Thursday at the end of April, just the one, but there will be more. No more than a mouthful to a hungry Lab but what a commitment from a tiny bird, to migrate over 13,000 kilometres from South Africa to Church Minshull. To be honest I didn't actually see the Swallow as I was head down eating grass in a silage field (don't ask my why, I'm a dog) and so I've let himself put this paragraph in for the nature section of my blog.

Since we last wrote I've taken my pal Dexter up to see the Wedgwood Monument outside Bignall Hill. A good walk from Alsager, the return enlivened by an angry local farmer having a go at our people over their temerity for walking over his fieldsof very inquisitive Texel sheep, on a public footpath! Then a few days later themselves took me to meet Finn and his people, the Revs, in Hucknall. Having drunk deeply from a noxious puddle in their local woods I disgraced myself with an emergency stop off the A50 on the way back – but we'll gloss over that!

Himself has just told me that time's up so no more dictation – perhaps we'll meet out when I'm out investigating?

Madai – your rambling reporter

PS fortunately – for you – no YouTube song link this month, as himself didn't care for the Joan Baez Swallow Song that I told him to add. You could look it up for yourself ......

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