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Feedback on Traffic Calming

by Arena Webteam – 23rd December 2013 @ 9:09am
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Message from Chair of Church Minshull Parish Council:

Thank you for your feedback from the request of the 11th December message below . I have compiled a response to Ian Whitehead, from the Parish Council, and have tried to reflect your views and comments. The subject generated a great deal of supportive comments, along with some healthy debate on Share & Chat, however, the general concensus is that the woks have had a positive effect on the speed and volumes of vehicles travelling through our community. A number of observations have also been sent to me, which I have included in the feedback to Ian. A copy of my email can beviewed here.

Many thanks for your feedback and may I take this opportunity of wishing all our community a very Mery Christmas and a peaceful New Year from the Parish Council.

Regards, Dave Wallis

11th Dec 13 – Hi Folks,

Ian Whitehead, Cheshire East Highways Engineer, was the project leader for the traffic calming scheme and has asked the Parish Council to provide him with feedback on how the new measures are working, together with any issues that it has raised.

So if you have any comments could you let ARENA know before the end of next week and the webteam will put together a coordinated response, to the Parish Council.

Please use the Share & Chat button on the toolbar to let us know.

We look forward to hearing your comments...

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