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Eyes down ...

by Madai the Labrador – 1st October 2019
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Happy October, Minshullites! Well the equinox is behind us and it's eyes down for the run through to the end of the year. I thought you would enjoy the picture of me dining, eyes down, with my pal Finn, while themselves were away ..... again ..... although to be truthful I sent them away for a brief break while I went to stay with my mate Finn and his people. And then because the village website is advertising bingo during the break in the "Gin Night" I told himself to entitle this article "Eyes down ...... ". If you want to waste some time and brain-power then look up for bingo calls – I thought clackety-clack would make a good one, almost like clickety-click, 66, but all clackety-clack is good for is telling me that my food bowl is empty and it's time to look next door!
Well Finn's a slow eater I had one sly eye up instead of both down in case he lost concentration and needed a hand (or mouth) in cleaning his bowl. Finn's mum, Helen, took another picture of me poised ready and hungry at Finn's shoulder, but I was moving too much and was all blurry, so himself didn't want you to see it. Helen's not learnt that I'm a quick mover where food's concerned!


I think I've told you before that she looks after St James in Audlem, but that's not all she does as she has several other Saints to care for as well together with marrying lots of people and stuff like that. Obviously I can't do that so when she was off other-sainting I had the run, literally, of St James. Here you can see me sermonising. Himself is not sure I'll be so welcome the next time.

Next time we speak will Brexit be "sorted", will Boris still be PM, will we care? You can be sure I'll have had my nose to the ground and will report back from my perspective.

Madai, your rovering reporter

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