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Event organisers required

by Minshull Events Group – 10th March 2023 @ 1:01pm
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events to come

Have you ever thought I would like to organise a brilliant event but don't really know where to start? Or would you like to be involved in organising events in Church Minshull?

Well now is your chance.

After 10+ years of organising all sorts of events from Minshull Madness, professional plays, concerts and parties the current Minshull Events Group feel it is time to stand aside and let others have a go. You don't have to follow any of the things that have gone before. It is your opportunity to arrange what you enjoy and think others in the village would like.

The group has a large amount of equipment for a variety of events available for you to take over and are more than happy to offer their extensive list of contacts and experience to any individuals or group who would like to take it over.

If you are interested in getting involved but would like a chat with any of those already involved before you commit their contact details are below.

ChairmanKerry Bannon01270
TreasurerJohn Headon01270
SecretaryJackie Taylor01270 522-572

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