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Dog bins for Church Minshull?

by Meikle Carss – 25th January 2018 @ 10:10am
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dog bin

Not a pleasant subject but at the last meeting of the Parish Council in early January "dog fouling" was on the agenda.

Although not thought to be a major issue in the village, there have been periods in recent years when inconsiderate dog walkers have not cleared up after their dogs. This includes the roadside pavements, popular track and footpath routes.

In the light of recent consultation and the introduction of a Public Space Protection Order by Cheshire East Council ) to beef up its powers, Church Minshull Parish Council would like to hear from local residents on this matter.

Do you have a view?

In particular the council is seeking residents' views on whether there is support, or not, for one or two dedicated dog waste bins and if so, where these might best be located. The Parish Council appreciates that if these were to be provided, a regular collection service would have to be in place to deal with the waste.

If you have a view that would assist the council in considering this matter then please speak to one of your parish councillors or email the council clerk at before the 1st March.

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