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Deafness Support Network

by Arena Webteam – 2nd May 2014 @ 1:01pm
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deafness support network

Deafness Support Network (DSN) have set up a free mobile advisory service for people with hearing loss and are taking the service around the rural areas of Cheshire to reach people who otherwise may not be able to access our services.

CM Vision Group has arranged for DSN to hold a drop-in session at Church Minshull Village Hall on Tuesday, 13th May, 2014 at 4:00pm.

DSN know that 1 in 3 people over 60 experience hearing loss, which significantly impacts everyday life, often causing loneliness, isolation, dependence and frustration, as well as communication disorders. Their experience is that people can take 10 years to take action following noticing a reduction in their hearing capabilities. Their programme aims to intervene earlier, inform people of preventative measures, services and ways of managing hearing loss whilst at the same time raising deaf awareness amongst local businesses, voluntary organisations and groups in order to further prevent isolation and dependence.

For more information visit their website:

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