Judges from Cheshire Community Action descended on Church Minshull today, to meet with representatives of our many local groups.
Kathy Benn, Clare Jones and Lisa Gordon came to the Badger Inn and met with:
Larry Bannon, Kerry Bannon, Liz Davies, Jane Rose, Sue Challoner, Margaret Denton, David Hughes, Jeane Stockdale, Marion Allen, Lesley Baddeley and Kev Penney.
The group discussed all the things that make Church Minshull a great place to live, with the judges and answered questions such as:
"How are villagers encouraged to participate in community life?"
"What local facilities are available for younger members of the community?"
"What facilities are there for senior citizens?"
"How do you welcome new residents into the community?"
"What makes your village a special place?"
...and many more questions.
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