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Community Champion – John Headon

by Arena Webteam – 19th October 2015 @ 1:01pm
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John Headon was justly recognised for his selfless work in Church Minshull community at the 2015 CCA Community Pride Awards, by being Highly Commended in the Community Champion category.

John epitomises the community spirit that Church Minshull was recognised for at last years awards. With the help of other stalwarts, John has organised the annual church 'Plant Sale' for many years, which is a major income source for the church's annual overheads; and is always on hand for the full 3-days over the May Bank holiday, to over 2000 visitors.

He has also led most of the special events put on in the Church, in the last three years; producing and directing the spectacular, "Sound & Light Carol Service" on Christmas Eve; which is attracting bigger attendances, year on year.

John has spearheaded most of the PCC activities, including the creation of a large interactive social space at the rear of the church, including the kitchen and toilet. He has been at the forefront of fundraising initiatives in the community over the last 10 years, resulting in some £400,000, being raised for various causes. Most recently campaigning for grants and fundraising of £42,000 to replace stolen lead from the church roof.

He contributes immensely to "Messy Church", a Sunday morning service for younger people, which attracts many new families into the Church.

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