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Church Minshull Rocks

by Arena Webteam – 3rd September 2017
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image2378in the tent with the band2017090121295220170901212722sb one 01092017sb five 01092017

Friday night brought a music festival atmosphere to Church Minshull but there was no need for wellies. The evening was kicked off with Nantwich-based Jim Farmer on his guitar and singing some great classics and he was joined by his supporting band from the village aka, Jo Smith on drums, Andrew Baddeley on guitar, Kerry Bannon on backing vocals. Larry Bannon was also on guitar but not before providing the appreciative audience with lead vocal renditions of two Ed Sheeran tracks. Well done to them all for adding so much to the evening.
The Screaming Beavers performed a stream of great 60's hits and 70's disco tunes with the audience joining them 'on stage' for the very last number as the evening chill rolled in!

Please let us have any photos from the evening so that we can post them in this article and add them to the gallery.

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