A piece of music composed for Church Minshull by Ali Romanow from "The Fugitives" with a beautiful story to wrap around the tune.
Click on this link to listen to the music
Our story begins on November 13th 2015 when CM Vision invited "The Fugitives" a Canadian Folk Band from British Columbia to play at the Village Hall. It was a fabulous evening, everyone enjoyed the wonderful music.
The Band continued the evening at Tim & Jane Hough's house. During the evening Jane showed band member Ali Romanow, her old violin which had belonged to her late Father Dr Francis James Unsworth. The violin was in a bit of a sorry state, but despite this, Ali thought it was enchanting and really appreciated a lovely piece of musical history.
Jane and Tim decided that the future of their old violin was better served in British Columbia, Canada, so sent Ali the violin .
Ali Romanow picks up the tale...
"I will never again believe that Friday 13th is an unlucky day, because November 13th 2015 was the night the Fugitives played in Church Minshull. We had a rowdy and hilarious after party at Tim & Jane's house, where their old fiddle made its first appearance in my life.
January 18th 2016, I arrived home from a stressful 4 days of teaching in Fort Simpson NWT, to find a parcel waiting for me.
I couldn't believe it, not only was it an incredibly generous action on Tim & Jane's part, but it arrived in my life at a perfect time. I sent the violin to a luthier in Victoria BC and it arrived back in my hands today restored.
This is a beautiful instrument. Thank you for allowing me to be its guardian, I will take good care of it, I promise, and if I don't end up playing it (although I have a sneaking suspicion that it will become my tour instrument) I will pass it and its remarkable story along to a promising young musician.
I spent a few hours today playing it, and wrote the little jig on the fiddle for Church Minshull"
Jane Hough & Ali Romanow 2016