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Church Minshull Marina awarded '5 gold anchors'

by Nantwich Chronicle – 29th January 2014 @ 3:03pm
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Church Minshull Aqueduct Marina now boasts the coveted '5 Gold Anchors' status by The Yacht Harbour Association, supported by the British Marine Federation.

The award was set up more than 25 years ago to establish a quality rating for boat berths throughout the world.

It is determined through a comprehensive marina audit, mystery shopper events and berth-holder questionnaires, establishing a marina as a good place to moor under agreed and verifiable quality standards.

Marina directors Robert and Andrea Parton were presented with the award by Sarah Treseder, CEO of the Royal Yachting Association, at the London Boat Show earlier this month.

Robert said: "It is an achievement of which we are very proud.

"It is a very prestigious international rating and we have had to meet some very high standards of customer service, facilities and marina environment in order to qualify.

"The staff at Aqueduct Marina all worked extremely hard to achieve this status and we are delighted to have been recognised by the Yacht Harbour Association in this way."

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