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Cheshire East Giveback (Your Money Fund)

by Arena Webteam – 16th September 2014 @ 10:10am
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The Leader of the Council, Councillor Michael Jones, made an announcement on 7th July 2014 stating "Cheshire East returns £900k budget surplus".

We are pleased to say that applications can now be made to this fund, entitled Cheshire East Giveback (Your Money Fund).

It has been agreed that the money is used to fund the following community activity:
A. Young people's sections of uniformed organisations
B. Organisations who provide services and support to older people
C. Faith organisations who are connecting with communities
D. Domestic abuse support for young people in abusive relationships – a one-off grant will be given to the most appropriate specialist third sector provider, which will be determined by the Council's Domestic Abuse Partnership.

To apply for A, B or C, please read the Guidance Notes and complete the Application Form attached. Applications will be accepted for the scheme on a rolling basis from 23rd July 2014 until 30th March 2015. It will take approximately two weeks to assess the application.

Further information on this exciting new funding scheme is available on the Cheshire East Council website. If you find that you are not eligible to apply for the Your Money Fund please take a look at the Community Grant webpage.

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