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C.E. Budget Review *Updated

by Shaun Davies – 10th January 2023 @ 1:01pm
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As residents understanding how Cheshire East are setting budgets for the next 4 years is important. They are currently running a consultation, which ends on the 30th January, where you get to have your say.

For me Highway repair spend is important, particularly given the current state of the B5074, Minshull lane etc, as is the Library review (Mobile service viability and Nantwich opening hours), bus service reductions and the cost of parking, which by my rudimentary maths is proposed to increase by over 15% in 2023/24!

I will warn you it is a big beast at 314 pages but don't be put off and take a look and have your say about the things that matter to you I.E Adult/Children's Support and Social Care.

Shaun Davies

Here is the C.E. website link:

I have just sent C.E. this email:-

From: Shaun Davies <>
Date: 10 January 2023 at 12:32:05 GMT
Subject: Budget review consultation

Good afternoon.
Having reviewed the 314 page budget review document I would like to make the following points:

  • 1. There is a proposed decrease in Highways budget. Given the horrific state of the roads in CE the statement in item (104) " There will be a decrease in the highway revenue budget for carriageway repairs". This must be a mistake!
  • 2. Libraries Review (93). Living in a rural location with limited bus services means that we are very reliant upon the mobile library service which visits us every 3 weeks. This service used to be every 2 weeks but was cut. It is my opinion that this service should not be cut any further. In addition the reduction in Library hours on a Saturday should also be preserved as many residents cannot access the service during the week.
  • 3. Given the above, the proposed reduction in local bus services (103) would again severely impact the more rural areas within the authority and should be protected. I would suggest that not proceeding with the unnecessary bus station redevelopment in Crewe would have provided more than enough funds to protect the service!
  • 4. The above excessive redevelopment along with the multi story car park development is a waste of tax payers money as without the redevelopment of the retail and leisure facilities in Crewe town centre is very much a case of "Cart before the Horse"!
  • 5. This leads on to the proposed increase in Parking charges across CE. Given we already pay significantly higher parking charges than neighbouring council areas the proposed hike in charges is completely unjustified especially given the level of increase being proposed. The desolate state of Crewe town centre is about to be repeated in Nantwich, due in large part to the already excessive parking charges, with the upcoming closure of Barclays Bank, Bratts, M&Co and Joules.. Will CE finally sit up and take notice!

Shaun Davies

I would like to add my congratulations to Shaun for speaking up for us all.
He has stated so many things that are necessary.
Margaret Denton.

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